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5 Traits That Make You a Great Candidate for Nitrous Oxide

July 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — westlakehills @ 6:58 pm
nitrous oxide knobs to control the flow

Nitrous oxide is one of the most common forms of dental sedation offered to patients of all ages because it’s one of the safest and can be used in a variety of situations. Whether you have mild anxiety or fear of visiting the dentist that keeps you from scheduling your bi-annual checkups or you have a lengthy upcoming treatment, you may be surprised to learn that you’re a good candidate for nitrous oxide. Read below for five traits that may make you a good candidate for nitrous oxide sedation.

You Have Moderate Dental Anxiety or Fear

One of the most common reasons why dentists recommend nitrous oxide sedation is for those who have dental fear or anxiety that keeps them from wanting to come in for important checkups or treatments. The sedation will allow these patients to feel calm, collected, and at-ease while they’re in the treatment chair so they don’t experience long-term negative effects from their appointment.

You Have a Lengthy Upcoming Treatment or Appointment

If you’ve never had a dental filling, bonding, or other treatment that may take longer to complete, nitrous oxide may be a great way to help you feel more comfortable while you’re in the treatment chair. For those with physical disabilities that makes sitting still for long periods of time more difficult and uncomfortable, nitrous oxide can also be very beneficial!

You Don’t Have Respiratory Issues or a Stuffy Nose

Because nitrous oxide is inhaled via a small nose mask, in order for the medication to be effective, you must be able to clearly breathe through your nose. If you can’t, it likely means that the nitrous oxide won’t get into your system and have a significant effect on you.

You Don’t Want to Have to Take a Pill or Need an IV

Other methods of dental sedation, like IV and oral conscious sedation, are administered via pill or an intravenous line. If you have a fear of needles or difficulty swallowing pills, nitrous oxide sedation may be the best method to help you relax while you’re visiting the dentist.

You Have a Strong Gag Reflex

If you have a sensitive or strong gag reflex that makes even the most basic dental process, like capturing X-rays or cleaning teeth, uncomfortable and seemingly impossible to get through, nitrous oxide may also be perfect for you! Sedation can help suppress your gag reflex and make your overall experience much more comfortable.

About the Author

Dr. Rebecca Long is an incredibly gentle and caring dentist that always puts her patients first. After suffering from several dental mishaps when she was younger, Dr. Long decided to go into dentistry to provide her patients with the same mindful and comfortable dental care that she had received. She has completed over 600 hours of continuing education at world-renowned institutions like Spear and the Dawson Academy, and she is a Fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry. For questions or to learn more about nitrous oxide sedation, visit Westlake Hills Dental Arts’ website or call 512-328-0155.

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