Traditional dentures have been around for centuries. While the materials have changed, making them more comfortable to wear and lifelike in appearance, they still leave patients frustrated and wanting more from their tooth replacement. Fortunately, at Westlake Hills Dental Arts, we are pleased to offer our patients an alternative that is known for its permanence, durability, functionality, and longer lifespan – implant dentures in West Lake Hills! Not only do these prosthetics make it possible to eat and speak with ease and clarity, but they continuously stimulate the jawbone, creating a more youthful appearance and allowing for better oral health. Contact us today to find out more about implant dentures and learn how we can help you take back your smile.
Dental implants in general are considered the gold standard for tooth replacement. When attaching a customized denture to the tops of 4 or 6 dental implants, you can expect to enjoy a smile that will remain firmly in place because of its surgical placement. Unlike dentures that require your natural suction and dental adhesive to remain intact, implant dentures are held in place by your jawbone. Through a process known as osseointegration, the titanium posts fuse with the bone and surrounding tissue, creating a firm and stable foundation for your denture.
The choice between a fixed or removable denture is yours, both of which offer great results:
Only your implant dentist in West Lake Hills can remove this type of denture. Using between 4 and 6 dental implants in the upper or lower arch, your customized restoration is secured into place, creating a permanent and stable fixture that can last a lifetime.
If you prefer to have a removable denture, you can request an overdenture. Held into place with a bar-retained or ball-retained appliance, it is only necessary for an implant dentist to insert between 2 and 5 implants. This type of restoration can be easily removed at night for cleaning.
Although it is true that the implant placement process does take many months or even a year if you require preliminary treatments, remember that the results you’ll achieve in the end are well worth the wait. To start, you will need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Long to discuss your eligibility and have a formalized treatment plan generated to move forward. Once she clears you for treatment, she will work with a local implant specialist who will be responsible for placing your dental implants in West Lake Hills. Making multiple incisions in your gums, the implants will be placed into the designated areas and carefully angled to ensure maximum support.
You will then be sent home to recover for a span of 3-6 months. During this time, osseointegration will occur and cause the implants to fuse with the bone and tissues. Once you are fully healed, you will receive your metal abutments, which are connector pieces that attach the implants to the restoration. The final stage of dental implant placement is receiving your customized denture.
It’s natural to assume there is no way you would qualify for implant dentures, especially if you’ve been waiting to seek professional treatment for quite some time. However, it’s important that you leave that decision up to Dr. Long and our team at Westlake Hills Dental Arts. Using advanced technology, we can determine if you’re eligible for treatment, and even if certain problems do exist, there is a good chance we can recommend preliminary treatments that will put your oral health and facial structure in a better position to receive dental implants later on.
During your initial consultation, Dr. Long will evaluate the following factors to determine if you can move forward with implant placement:
The benefits that come with combining dental implants and dentures are many, some of which include: